BoS announces the Live Webcast series for CA students

BoS announces the Live Webcast series for CA students

BoS announces the Live Webcast series for CA students
Live Webcast series ”Synchronizing studies with Practical training – Excelling in examination ”- Announcement

In its continuous endeavors towards students’ fraternity, Board of Studies (BoS) announces the Live Webcast series “Synchronizing studies with Practical training – Excelling in examination” for Foundation, Intermediate and Final course students. The objective of the webcast is to provide an insight to CA aspirants to adopt examination oriented approach
and manage studies accordingly.

The schedule of the webcast series is given below:

11th August
Examination Oriented preparation and revision
4:00-5:00 PM
18th August
Managing Studies during 3 years of Articleship4:00-5:00 PM
25th August
Group Discussion with Rank-holders to get benefits
from their experience, along with Chairman, BoS and
Vice Chairman, BoS
4:00-5:00 PM

Students can attend the webcast at the click of the link:

The live webcast can also be viewed through ICAI mobile app.


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