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Guidelines for Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors

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Guidelines for Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors under SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 and Requirement of Compliance Officer for Managers of all AIFs

A. Guidelines for Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors

  1. Pursuant to introduction of framework for “Accredited Investors” in the securities market, SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (hereafter referred as ‘AIF Regulations’) have been amended to provide certain relaxations from regulatory requirements to ‘Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors’ (LVF). Filing of LVF Schemes with SEBI
  2. In terms of proviso to Regulation 12 of AIF Regulations, LVFs are exempt from filing their placement memorandum with SEBI through Merchant Banker and incorporate comments of SEBI, if any, in their placement memorandum i.e. LVFs can launch their scheme under intimation to SEBI.
  3. While filing the placement memorandum for LVF schemes with SEBI, a duly signed and stamped undertaking by CEO of the Manager to the AIF (or person holding equivalent role or position depending on the legal structure of Manager) and Compliance Officer of Manager to the AIF shall be submitted in the format as mentioned at Annexure A.
  4. In case of LVF schemes already filed with SEBI, similar duly signed and stamped undertaking by CEO of the Manager to the AIF (or person holding equivalent role or position depending on the legal structure of Manager) and Compliance Officer of Manager to the AIF shall be submitted to SEBI on or before July 31, 2022. Extension of tenure beyond two years
  5. Regulation 13(4) of AIF Regulations permits close ended AIFs to extend its tenure upto two years with the approval of two-third of its unit holders by value of their investment in the said AIF, while the proviso to Regulation 13 (4) of AIF Regulations permits LVF to extend its tenure beyond two years, subject to terms of the contribution agreement, other fund documents and such conditions as may be specified by the Board from time to time. In this regard, it is specified as under:

    i. In order to enable the investors to take an informed decision, the placement memorandum, contribution agreement or other fund documents of LVF shall lay down terms and conditions for extension of the tenure beyond two years.

    ii.LVF shall be required to obtain approval from its Trustee/Board of Directors/DesignatedPartners (depending upon the legal structure of the LVF) for extending the tenure beyond two years, at least one month before expiration of the fund tenure or extended tenure.

    iii.In case requisite conditions specified in the placement memorandum, contribution agreement or other fund documents of LVF for extension of tenure beyond two years are not fulfilled, LVF shall liquidate and wind up in accordance with AIF Regulations and Circulars issued thereunder.

    B.Requirement of Compliance Officer for Managers of all AIFs.
  6. All AIFs shall ensure that Manager to AIF designates an employee or director as Compliance Officer who shall be a person other than CEO of the Manager (or such equivalent role or position depending on the legal structure of Manager). The compliance officer shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with the provisions of the SEBI Act, AIF Regulations and circulars issued thereunder.
  7. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.


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