Important Announcement for November-December 2023 CA Examinations
No. 13-CA (EXAM)/NOVEMBER – DECEMBER/2023: In pursuance of Regulation 22 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is pleased to announce that the next Chartered Accountants Foundation, Intermediate and Final Examinations will be held on the dates and places which are given below provided that sufficient number of candidates offer themselves to appear from each of the below mentioned places.
Similarly, Examination in Post Qualification Course under Regulation 204, viz.: International Taxation –
Assessment Test (INTT – AT) and Insurance and Risk Management (IRM) Technical Examination (which is open to the members of the Institute) will be held on the dates and places (centres in India only) which are given below provided that sufficient number of candidates offer themselves to appear from each of the below mentioned places.

No examination is scheduled on 12th November 2023 (Sunday) on account of Diwali (Deepawali), being a compulsory (gazetted) Central Government holiday as per F. No. 12/5/2022-JCA-2 dated 16.06.2022 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Government of India.
It may be emphasized that there would be no change in the examination schedule in the event of any day of the examination schedule being declared a Public Holiday by the Central Government or any State Government / Local Bodies.
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