Stakeholders may please note that there is no change in the additional fee logic of eform MGT-7 and AoC-4/AOC-4 XBRL/AOC-4 CFS/AOC-4 NBFC for the FY 2019-20 w.e.f 01 January 2021 since extension was provided to all the companies for conducting AGM and not for filing the form. Hence, the due date of form filing shall be computed based on the actual date of AGM or due date/extended due date of AGM as the case may be. Post 31st December 2020, additional fee shall be applicable from the actual date of AGM or due date/extended due date of AGM + 30/60 days as the case may be and Rs.100 per day shall be charged starting from such day even if such date falls prior to 31st December 2020.
Stakeholders may please note that the Field ‘SRN of the application filed for extension’ (GNL-1) in eform MGT-7 will be made optional for FY 2019-20 w.e.f 01 January 2021 due to blanket extension provided for all companies to conduct AGM. Consequently, eForm MGT-7 is likely to be revised on MCA21 Company Forms Download page w.e.f 1st January, 2021. Stakeholders are advised to check the latest version before filing.
Please note that the last date for filing DIR-3 KYC for Financial year 2019-20 shall expire tonight. The process of deactivating the non-compliant DINs shall be initiated and will be completed in some time. Stakeholders should note that web service DIR-3 KYC shall not be available for filing during the pendency of this activity. Filing of DIR-3 KYC can be made after completion of the scheduled activity, as above, when the service is made available on the portal after payment of applicable fees. Stakeholders may kindly note and plan accordingly.’