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Minimum Rates (Circle Rates) for valuation of land and properties

No. F. 1(2854)/Regn.Br./Div.Comm./HQ/2020/5453.—In exercise of power conferred by rule 4 of the Delhi Stamp (Prevention of Under-Valuation of Instruments) Rules, 2007 read with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India S.O. 1736 (No. 2/5/61-Judl-II) dated the 22nd July, 1961 and Notification S.O. 2709 (41/2/66-Delhi), dated the 7th September 1966 and in supersession of this Government’s Notification No. F. 1(953)/Regn. Br./Div.Com/HQ/2014/5943 dated the 22nd September, 2014, the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby notifies the relaxation in the minimum rates (Circle rates) for valuation of lands and immovable properties in Delhi for the purposes of the said Act and Rules made there under, as specified in Annexure-I annexed to this notification and since it is considered that these minimum rates should be brought into force at once, the Lt. Governor further directs that they shall come into force without previous publication.

The above rates, inter alia, shall be taken into consideration for registration of instruments relating to lands and immovable properties in Delhi by all the Registering Authorities under the provisions of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (2 of 1899) and the Indian Registration Act, 1908 (XVI of 1908) as in force in Delhi at the time of registration of instruments.
These revised rates shall come into force with immediate effect till 30/09/2021.

Minimum Rates (Circle Rates) for valuation of land and properties for the purpose of payment of Stamp duty under Indian Stamp Act, as applicable to Delhi & registration fees under the Registration Act, 1908 in Delhi:-

The Multiplying factors applicable to the various categories as notified by the notification No. F. 1/953/Regn.Br./Div.Comm./HQ/R/2014/5943 dated 22/09/2014 shall continue to apply even after 20% envisaged reduction in the Circle Rates.

Note: Where part plinth area, say one floor, of an independent property other than a flat is sold, the relevant minimum land cost may be taken for the proportionate plinth area sold, and minimum cost of construction applied on plinth area sold.


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