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  1. Applications are invited from Indian citizens to appear in the online written examination for issuance of license to act as a Customs Broker under Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations (CBLR), 2018, as amended. A copy of the regulations is available at and
  2. Complete application is to be submitted in person or by Registered/ Speed Post in Form-A (available in the CBLR, 2018) along with two passport size photos and self attested documents on citizenship (Aadhaar/ Passport/ Voter Card), educational qualification, financial viability, mobile number, e-mail id and other requirements along with the prescribed fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) to the Principal Commissioner/ Commissioner of Customs/ Commissioner of Customs (Prev), having jurisdiction over the area where the applicant intends to carry on his business from 18.10.2021 to 18.11.2021 till 06.00 PM. Applications sent by post, in case received after the last date shall not be entertained.
  3. Before submitting the application, applicant should ensure the completeness of the application. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.
  4. Syllabus of written examination will be as per regulation 6(7) of CBLR, 2018.
  5. Names of applicants found eligible to appear in examination will be displayed on the notice board and/or website of the respective Commissionerate 29.11.2021.
  6. Information regarding roll number, admit card and examination venue will be made available on the website of CBIC and NACIN under the icon/tab . A link to download the admit card will also be provided therein. Admit cards shall also be sent by email to eligible applicants 15 days in advance before the date of examination. The written examination shall be held in the month of MARCH-2022.
  7. The candidates have the option to answer either in Hindi or in English.
  8. Successful candidates will be called for an oral examination for which separate communication will be sent.
  9. In case declarations and information submitted by the applicant are found to be incorrect, the application shall be rejected or license, (if issued) shall be cancelled.
  10. For any query, please visit the websites ( and contact the nearest Customs Commissionerate/ this office @ e-mail id.


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