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Value Free Transfer (VFT) of Government Securities

Value Free Transfer (VFT) of Government Securities – Guidelines

A reference is invited to Notification No.78 dated November 16, 2018 on Value Free Transfer (VFT) of Government Securities – Guidelines under which separate guidelines for VFT were issued to enable more efficient operations in the Government securities market. On a review, it has been decided to issue revised Value Free Transfer Guidelines to further streamline VFT of government securities.

2. VFT of the government securities shall mean transfer of securities from one SGL/CSGL to another SGL/CSGL account, without corresponding payment leg in the books of RBI.

Eligible Transactions for VFT:

3. The following transactions shall be eligible for VFT of government securities:

4. Permission for VFT for any other purpose may be granted on a case-to-case basis by the Bank. Applications for the same may be submitted to Public Debt Office, Mumbai Regional Office, RBI, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 by email.

5. Eligible VFTs (i.e., transactions listed under para 3) and permitted VFTs (in terms of para 4) can be initiated through Core Banking System of RBI viz., e-Kuber. The VFTs so undertaken shall be subject to concurrent audit by SGL/CSGL holders on a 100% sampling basis. The auditor shall verify that the transactions fall under eligible VFT transactions under para 3/para 4 of the Guidelines, as above. Any deviations may be brought to notice of the Bank by the SGL/CSGL holders immediately.

6. These guidelines are issued by the Bank in exercise of the powers conferred under Notifications dated September 22, 2021 on Subsidiary General Ledger Account: Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines and Constituents’ Subsidiary General Ledger Account: Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines and supersede earlier instructions issued on the subject matter vide Notification No. 78 dated November 16, 2018. Any violations of the conditions specified therein shall attract provisions of Section 27 of the Act, in addition to inviting penalties as provided in Section 30 of the Act.


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