5,12,919 complaints registered against E-Commerce companies

5,12,919 complaints registered against E-Commerce companies from April 2019 till November 2021
Maharashtra reports highest complaints followed by Uttar Pradesh and Delhi
Posted On: 17 DEC 2021 5:36PM by PIB Delhi
The Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Shri Ashwini Kuma Choubey in a written reply to a question in RajyaSabha today informedthat a total of 5,12,919 Complaints pertaining to E-commerce have been registered in the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) during the period April, 2019 to November, 2021 as per Annexure.
Rule 5(3)(e) of the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 states that every marketplace e-commerce entity is required to provide in a clear and accessible manner, displayed prominently to its users at an appropriate place on its platform, all information provided to it by sellers under sub-rule (5) of rule 6 including name and contact numbers, and designation of the grievance officer for consumer grievance redressal or for reporting any other matter.
In this regard, CCPA has issued an Advisory dated 1st October, 2021 to industry associations requesting them to give wide publicity to the provisions of the above noted rules and impress upon their members to ensure compliance of the rules to ensure that adequate redressal mechanism is accessible to consumers while purchasing goods or services using e-commerce.
State wise Number of Complaints registered against E-Commerce Companies in NCH from April, 2019 to November, 2021.
Sl. No. | Name of State/ UT | Grievances Registered |
1 | Andaman Nicobar | 264 |
2 | Andhra Pradesh | 13,206 |
3 | Arunachal Pradesh | 459 |
4 | Assam | 6,324 |
5 | Bihar | 24,177 |
6 | Chandigarh | 2,123 |
7 | Chhattisgarh | 5,236 |
8 | Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 174 |
9 | Daman & Diu | 156 |
10 | Delhi | 50,522 |
11 | Goa | 1,382 |
12 | Gujarat | 26,794 |
13 | Haryana | 28,693 |
14 | Himachal Pradesh | 3,458 |
15 | Jammu & Kashmir | 3,696 |
16 | Jharkhand | 8,452 |
17 | Karnataka | 38,839 |
18 | Kerala | 10,916 |
19 | Ladakh | 67 |
20 | Lakshadweep | 3 |
21 | Madhya Pradesh | 22,312 |
22 | Maharashtra | 64,924 |
23 | Manipur | 284 |
24 | Meghalaya | 408 |
25 | Mizoram | 91 |
26 | Nagaland | 224 |
27 | Odisha | 9,941 |
28 | Puducherry | 326 |
29 | Punjab | 10,944 |
30 | Rajasthan | 31,883 |
31 | Sikkim | 322 |
32 | Tamil Nadu | 15,018 |
33 | Telangana | 22,106 |
34 | Tripura | 1,033 |
35 | Uttar Pradesh | 63,265 |
36 | Uttarakhand | 6,315 |
37 | West Bengal | 38,582 |
Total | 5,12,919 |