Amendment in Policy Conditions under ITC HS code 2515

Amendment in Policy Conditions under ITC HS code 2515 of Chapter 25 and 6802 of Chapter 68 of Schedule-I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022- NOTIFICATION No. 60 /2015-2020.
S.O. 1207(E).—In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby amends the Policy Condition No. 3 of Chapter 25 and Policy Condition No. 1 of Chapter- 68 of Schedule-I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS), 2022, with immediate effect, as under:
Existing Import Policy Condition | Amended Import Policy Condition |
Import of Marble, classified under Chapter 25 and 68, from Bhutan shall be subject to a combined annual quota of 10 lakh sq ft (5882 MT). The quota shall come into effect immediately and shall operate on a financial year basis. Monitoring and allocation of the quota shall be made by the Government of Bhutan. | Import of 10000 MT of marble under ITC (HS) Codes 2515 and 6802 shall be allowed annually from Bhutan without Minimum Import Price, with immediate effect subject to following: i. Import permitted with a valid Registration Certificate issued by the DGFT. ii. This shall operate on a financial year basis. |
- Effect of this Notification:
Import of 10000 MT of marble [under ITC (HS) Codes 2515 and 6802] shall be allowed from Bhutan without Minimum Import Price each year, subject to valid Registration Certificate issued by the DGFT. The procedure for issuance of Registration Certificate shall be notified separately.
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