Brochure of Campus Placement September-October 2021

Brochure of Campus Placement Programme September-October 2021
About ICAI
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), established 72 years ago, by an Act of the Indian Parliament, continues its operation as the single largest statutory accounting body of the world. ICAI stands on four pillars – Regulator, Standard Setter, Educator and Partner in Nation Building and has been functioning under the administrative control of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of the Government of India, as its extended arm. In short, Independence, Integrity and Excellence remain the core values of ICAI. ICAI enjoys the privilege of being the founder member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), International Accounting Standard Board (IASB), South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) and Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants (CAPA). Again, ICAI is the First Professional body in the country which has been nominated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to take the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan forward.
What ICAI can do for you?
- ICAI simply acts as a facilitator to bring the recruiter and NQCAs together.
- Facilitate your search for complete business solution provider.
- Online web portal for registration and shortlisting of candidates.
- Online Psychometric test and written test, if required.
- Facilitate interviews.
Why Newly Qualified CAs preferred over other freshers?
As a matter of fact, the Chartered Accountants, because of their sound technical knowledge and on-the-job training,
are looked upon as complete business solution providers and are preferred over other freshers. This campus placement programme, being a one stop solution, offers a unique opportunity to the employers to interact with the NQCAs, peruse the particulars of a huge pool of promising professionals and recruit the suitable one(s) who is found to be better than the best.
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