Bye-laws for the conduct of Medical Examination

G.S.R. 34(E).—In accordance with the provisions laid down under Regulations 31 of the Metalliferous Mines Regulations 1961, the Bye-laws for the conduct of Medical Examination and grant of medical certificate of fitness are published below
1.0 Examining Authority: The medical examination shall be carried out by a qualified medical practitioner in the employment of the mine or duly authorized for this purpose by the owner of mine or by Government medical officer , holding at least a degree in Bachelor of Medicines and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) registered with National Medical Commission.
2.0 Identity of the candidate: The examining authority shall verify the identity of the candidate with Original documents of any one of the following: Aadhaar Card, Electors photo Identity Cards (EPIC), passport, driving licence, service identity card of state or central government , pension document with photograph or any government recognised identity card. He shall also check the Original Statutory Certificate issued by the Board of Mining Examinations before medically examining the candidate.
3.0 Standard and report of medical examination:
(i) For ascertaining the freedom of a person from deafness, defective vision or any other infirmity, mental or physical, likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his duties, the examining authority shall medically examine the candidate in accordance with the standard laid down in the First Schedule of these bye-laws.
(ii) The examining authority shall prepare the medical report in the form as prescribed in Second Schedule of these bye-laws.
4.0 Unfit persons not to be employed: Where, as a result of medical examination made under clause 3.0, a person has been declared unfit for employment in mines or in a particular category of mines or in any specified operations in mine, he shall not be employed or continue to be employed in a mine or in the category of mines.
5.0 Duties and Responsibilities of Owners, Agents and Managers: It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or manager to ensure that no person shall act as a manager or an official or a blaster or a winding engineman in a mine after attaining the age of sixty years unless he has obtained, within the preceding one year, a medical certificate of fitness certifying him fit to carry out the duties prescribed for him in the Mines Act, 1952 and in the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 and orders made thereunder.
Standard of Physical Fitness
- A candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any physical defect, likely to interfere with his / her efficient employment in the mine and which will not cause any hindrance in discharging his / her daily duty.
- The candidate’s overall hearing must be good and there should not be any progressive disease in the ear, affecting his / her hearing or he / she should not suffer from any occupational deafness.
- In case of the vision of the candidate, the following standards of visual acuity, with or without glasses, should be strictly observed:
a) For underground workers
Better eye 6/6
Worse eye 6/9
b) For surface/opencast workers
Better eye 6/12
Worse eye 6/18 - There should not be any active disease of the heart and lungs.
- There should be no disease of abdominal organs which may cause hindrance in discharging the candidate’s day-today duties.
- In case the candidate has hernia, and the Examining Authority is of the opinion that it can be effectively controlled by the use of truss, the candidate can be made fit for the time being. In all other cases the candidate can be declared fit only after a successful operation for the same.
- Hydrocele, if present, should not be large enough to impede his normal activities, in such cases the candidate can be declared fit only after its successful operation.
- The limbs should be well formed and developed, and function of all limbs should be within normal limits.
- Candidate should be free from chronic skin disease.
- There should not be any congenital malformation, or defect, or any deformity likely to interfere with candidate’s normal duties.