Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesGovernment grants further extension in timelines of compliances CA Cult 25 June 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesRelaxation in electronic filing of Income Tax Forms 15CA/15CB CA Cult 14 June 2021
FormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesEfiling news on Form-15CA & 15CB during the intervening period CA Cult 26 May 2021
Important DatesStatutory UpdatesE-filing News and Updates on Belated and Revised returns CA Cult 20 May 2021
BlogsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesExtended timeline for Income-tax compliances CA Gaganmeet Singh 20 May 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesExtension of time limits of certain Income tax compliances CA Cult 20 May 2021
BlogsImportant DatesImportant Dates-GSTImportant Dates of GST and Income-tax compliance CA Gaganmeet Singh 8 May 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesNotification under section 269ST of the Income-tax Act CA Cult 7 May 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesIncome tax (15th Amendment) Rules 2021 on travel concession CA Cult 5 May 2021