Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesFollowing authorities to facilitate the conduct of e-appeal CA Cult 31 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTForms-GSTStatutory UpdatesThe mechanism for filing of refund claim by the taxpayers CA Cult 30 December 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesNew Rule 16DD inserted in the income-tax Rules CA Cult 30 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTForms-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesThe Central Goods and Services Tax (Tenth Amendment) Rules CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-Corp. LawForms-Corp. LawImportant Dates-Corp. LawStatutory UpdatesExtension in the due date of filing various MCA e-forms CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesAmendment in the rates of the GST compensation cess CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesAmendment in CGST rate on the specified handicraft items CA Cult 29 December 2021