Updates & NewsP.M. Shri Narendra Modi to launch the platform for “Transparent Taxation – Honoring the Honest” on the 13th August 2020. CA Cult 12 August 2020
Updates & NewsSupply of essential commodities to the Republic of Maldives during 2020-21 CA Cult 12 August 2020
Updates & Newsseeks to amend notification No. 39/2015-Customs (ADD) dated 12th August, 2015 to extend the levy of ADD on flax fabrics imported from China and Hong Kong for a period of 3 months. CA Cult 11 August 2020
Updates & NewsIncome Tax Department conducts search on premises of Chinese entities CA Cult 11 August 2020
Updates & NewsAmendment in Import Policy Conditions under Chapter 29, 38 and 39 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule I, Import Policy CA Cult 11 August 2020
Updates & NewsCBIC- Revised procedure for Import of Pets / Live Animals – reg. CA Cult 10 August 2020
Updates & NewsSeeks to impose provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of Black Toner in powder form originating in or exported from China PR, Malaysia and Chinese Taipei for a period of six months. CA Cult 10 August 2020