Deeper Insight into Financial Instruments (Ind AS)

Announcing launch of Module 1 of online Refresher Course – ‘Deeper Insight into Financial Instruments
(Ind AS)’
Module 1: Financial instruments – Presentation, Classification & Effects of changes in FX Rates Details pertaining to Module are as under: –
Day | Topic | Coverage | Date | Time | Faculty Name |
Day 1 | Introduction to financial instruments & Overview of derivatives | Relevant accounting standards Applicability of Ind AS for financial institutions Applicability of Guidance Note on derivatives Scope of the standards & Exemptions non-financial assets coverage Definition of financial assets/liabilities Various types of financial instruments Overview of derivatives Derivatives accounting-In brief | 7th May 2022 (Saturday) | 10 am to 1 pm (IST) | CA. Raghu Iyer |
Day 2 | Equity Vs. Liability classification principles | Definition of Equity Classification of Equity Vs. Liability Puttable Instruments Compound Instruments Carveout in Ind AS 32 Hybrid Instruments Treasury Shares Puttable instruments Compulsorily convertible instruments Treatment of interest, dividend, gains and losses Offsetting financial assets / financial liabilities Other Comprehensive Income – conceptual understanding | 8th May 2022 (Sunday) | 10 am to 1 pm (IST) | CA. Amit Jain |
Day 3 | Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities | Classification of financial assets SPPI test Business Model Objective Effective Interest Rate Classification of financial Liabilities Fair Value Option Treatment of own credit risk Financial Guarantees accounting | 14th May 2022 (Saturday) | 10 am to 1 pm (IST) | CA. R Venkata Subramani |
Day 4 | Expected credit loss – Overview of Methods & Models | Theory of Expected Credit Loss Explanation of PD, LGD and EAD Various Methods and Models How to use forward looking macroeconomic factors How to build multiple scenarios Practical case studies Transition Matrix Method – Markov Chain Model | 15th May 2022 (Sunday) | 10 am to 1 pm (IST) | CA. R Venkata Subramani |
Day 5 | Expected credit loss – practical case studies Effects of changes in FX Rates Disclosures | Discounted Cash Flow Method ECL for Project Loans ECL for receivables using simplified approach COVID-19 Scenarios Functional currency & Presentation currency Foreign currency transactions Monetary & Non-monetary assets Comparison of AS 11 Vs. Ind AS 21 Guidance Note on derivatives Disclosures for Presentation, Financial instruments, Expected Credit Loss and Effects of changes in FX Rates | 21st May 2022 (Saturday) | 10 am to 1 pm (IST) | CA. Mohan Lavi |
Payment Link for Module 1:
Total sessions – 5 || Session Duration – 3 hours per session (includes session break as decided by the faculty).
This course is for: –
- Members who have already completed or are currently undergoing the ‘Certificate Course on Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS)’. - Members who have experience in Ind AS and would like to have a deeper insight into Financial
Instruments. - Members who would like to quench their intellectual curiosity on Ind AS.
CPE – 15 Structured || Cost – Rs. 1200 + 18% GST (i.e., Rs. 1416/-).
It may be noted that physical copies of the books WILL NOT be provided with the course. PPTs and recorded sessions (post completion of LIVE sessions) shall be made available via the Digital Learning Hub ( of ICAI.
Registration will be on “first-come, first-serve basis”. In case refund/admission cancellation request has been received from the member for any reason, 10% of gross fee paid (inclusive of GST) will be deducted as per norms of ICAI. No refund request will be entertained after 6th May 2022. In case, batch has been cancelled by the Committee due to unavoidable circumstances, full fees will be refunded to the member by the Committee.
In case of any query, kindly email [email protected]
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