
Joint Webinar with CPC-ITR Bangalore and Eastern India Regional Council of ICAI on e-filing and processing of ITRs. Date – Sep.9, 2020 at 3:00 pm. Event address for attendees https://incometaxindia.webex.com/incometaxindia/onstage/g.php?MTID=e19bf788649d750a5c0dbdee5464ecbf9
Joint Webinar with CPC-ITR Bangalore and Western India Regional Council of ICAI on e-filing and processing of ITRs. Date – Sep.8, 2020 at 3:00 pm. Event address for attendees https://incometaxindia.webex.com/incometaxindia/onstage/g.php?MTID=e24e682c9bbe07768cbcfd70a4eddafdc