Extension of date for filing Non-Preferential certificate of origin

Extension of Date for Mandatory electronic filing of Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) through the Common Digital Platform to 31st Jan 2022 -reg
In continuation to the earlier Trade Notice 42/2020-2021 dated 19.02.2021, 48/2020-2021 dated 25.03.2021, 10/2021-2022 dated 19.07.2021, 19/2021-2022 dated 01.10.2021 and 21/2021-22 dated 18.10.2021, it is informed that the electronic platform for Certificate of Origin (CoO) (URL: https://coo.dgft.gov.in) has been expanded to facilitate electronic filing and issuance for Non-Preferential Certificates of Origin. The objective of this platform is to provide an electronic, contact-less single window for the CoO related processes.
- In this reference, it is informed that the transition period for mandatory filing of applications for Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin through the e-CoO Platform has been extended till 31st January 2022. The existing systems for submitting and processing non-preferential CoO applications in manual/paper mode is being allowed for the stated
time period and the online system is not being made mandatory. - All Agencies as notified under Appendix-2E are required to ensure their onboarding process is completed at the earliest and no later than 31st January 2022. Reference Trade Notice 21/2021-22 dated 18.10.2021, it is submitted that all Agencies notified under Appendix-2E, are required to ensure that the onboarding exercise is completed latest by 31st January 2022 failing which the agencies shall be de-notified from Appendix 2E.
- All Exporters concerned are requested to ensure that they are duly registered onto the said platform at the earliest. Any technical/procedural issues may be brought to the attention of the CoO Helpdesk within the time prescribed. For guidance on registration and application submission process, the Help Manual & FAQs may be accessed on the
landing page at https://coo.dgft.gov.in . For any further assistance you may utilize any of the following channels —
• Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service
• Send an email to DGFT CoO Helpdesk at [email protected]
• Call the toll-free DGFT Helpdesk numbers
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
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