Gandhidham City is added to the list of cities for ISA Test

Gandhidham City is added to the list of cities for ISA Test
No. 13-CA(EXAM)/ISA/July/2022/II.—In partial modification of the Institute’s Notification No.13-CA(Exam)/ISA/July/2022 dated 27th May, 2022, it is notified for general information that Gandhidham City is added to the list of cities where the Information Systems Audit (ISA) Test (Old as well as New Syllabus), which is open to the members of the Institute is scheduled to be held on 9th July, 2022 (Saturday) from 9 AM to 1 PM (IST).
However, it is clarified that all other details notified vide Notification No.13- CA(Exam)/ISA/July/2022 dated 27th May, 2022 shall remain unchanged.
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