Guidelines for the import of Pet Animals

Guidelines for the import of Pet Animals – Trade Notice No. 22/2022-23
- Several requests are being received for clarifications regarding the import of Pet animals (cats/dogs). In this regard, it is submitted that the import policy provisions for ‘other’ mammals including pet animals (cats/dogs) are as follows:
ITC (HS) | Item Description | Import Policy | Policy Condition |
01061900 | Mammals: — Other | Restricted | Subject to Policy Condition 6 of this Chapter. |
Policy Condition (6): Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (as amended from time to time) is prohibited and those species which are listed in CITES are subject to the provisions of CITES.
Policy Condition (7): Import of dogs is allowed only for the following specific purposes: –
i. Pet dog with valid pet book and relevant records/documents in the name of importer.
ii. Dogs imported by the R&D Organisations for conducting research with the recommendation of CPCSEA.
iii. For the internal security by the Defence and Police Force.
Policy Condition (8): Import of commercial dogs for breeding or any other commercial activities other than the purposes mentioned above is not permitted.
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