Hosting of the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF)- 2024-25

Hosting of Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF)- 2024-25
Professional Development Committee (PDC) is pleased to host the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2024-25, which is available at Before filling the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2024-25, Members are advised to go through the Advisory. Information provided through MEF is shared by ICAI with RBI, NABARD and other authorities for the purpose of empanelment for professional work.
Registration/ Login Credentials:
- Applicant already registered for MEF in previous year/(s), may login using the credentials directly of previous year for MEF 2024-25. If one has forgotten the password, please go to “Forgot Password” button to retrieve the password.
- Applicant applying for the first time, the applicant must first register for MEF 2024-25 at
Last date for submission of online Form is 7th October, 2024.
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