ICAI: FAQs for Provisional Admission to Foundation Course

ICAI Allows Provisional Registration in CA Foundation Course after passing Class X Examination
Q-1: I am a Class XI student who passed class X recently. Am I eligible to register for the Foundation Course?
Ans : Yes. Students after passing Class 10th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognised by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto, may provisionally register in Foundation Course of ICAI.
Q-2: I am a Class XII student. Am I eligible to register for the Foundation Course?
Ans : Yes. Students after passing Class 10th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognised by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto may provisionally register in Foundation Course of ICAI. Such students are required to register latest by 1st January, 2021 so as to eligible to appear in May/June, 2021 Foundation Examination.
Q-3: I am a Class XII student who wish to become CA. When can I register for the Foundation course?
Ans : You can register with the Board of Studies of the Institute on or before 1st day of January or 1st day of July for the examination to be held in the months of May/June or November/December respectively. In other words, 4 months study period is required before appearing in Foundation Examination.
Q-4: I am a class XII student and if I register for the Foundation course now, will I be able to appear in the Foundation exams being held in May 2021 ?
Ans : Eligibility Criteria for appearing in Foundation Examination is as under:-
- (a) Student has to register with the Board of Studies of the Institute on or before 1st day of January or 1st day of July for the examination to be held in the months of May/June or November/December respectively. In other words, 4 months study period is required before appearing in Foundation Examination.
- (b) Student should have appeared in the Senior Secondary (10+2) Examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognised by the Central Government (or the State Government) as equivalent thereto (for the purpose of admission to graduation course)
Q-5: I am a Class XII student who will be appearing in class XII exams. in March/April 2021. Suppose I register and clear Foundation exams of May 2021 but I fail to clear class XII exams, will my Foundation result be valid?
Ans : Your provisional admission to Foundation course will be regularized only when you clear Class XII exams.
Q-6: Is there any change in the syllabus and fee of the Foundation Course?
Ans : Candidates may note that there is no change in the Syllabus and Registration Fee of the Foundation Course.
Q-7: Where can I register myself for the Foundation course ?
Ans : For Registration, students may visit https://eservices.icai.org/
Q-8: How will I be able to get the Study Material?
Ans : After confirmation of registration in Foundation Course, student can place order at https://icai-cds.org/
Q-9: Whether any classes are conducted by ICAI for students appearing in Foundation Examination?
Ans : Free classes are conducted by ICAI for Foundation level. For details, students may regularly visit Institute’s BOS Knowledge Portal for announcements in this regard.