Implementation of mandatory mentioning of HSN codes in GSTR-1

Implementation of mandatory mentioning of HSN codes in GSTR-1 & GSTR 1A
After successful implementation of Phase-I & Phase-II now Phase-III regarding Table 12 of GSTR-1 & 1A is being implemented, from return period January 2025. In this phase manual entry of HSN has been replaced by choosing correct HSN from given Drop down. Also, Table-12 has been bifurcated into two tabs namely B2B and B2C, to report these supplies separately. Further, validation regarding values of the supplies and tax amounts involved in the same, have also been introduced for both the tabs of Table-12. However in initial period these validations have been kept in warning mode only, which means failing the validation will not be a blocker for filling of GSTR-1& 1A. To view the detailed advisory please click here
Important Update: Recommendations of the 55th Meeting of the GST Council
Also Check: Penalty for failure to register certain machines under section 122A.