Import Authorisation for import of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke

Procedure for filing application for obtaining Import Authorisation for import of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke subject to Country-wise Quantitative Restrictions (QR)— Regarding.
Reference is invited to DGFT Notification No. 44/2024-25 dated 26.12.2024, whereby import of ‘Low Ash Metallurgical Coke having ash content below 18%’, as notified under ITC(HS) Codes 27040020, 27040030, 27040040, 27040090, have been placed under Restricted List and permitted subject to Country-wise Quantitative Restrictions (QR), for a period of six months with effect from 01.01.2025 to 30.06.2025.
2. Accordingly, the DGFT invites application seeking import authorization for above “Restricted” item w.e.f. 1st January to 12th January, 2025.
3. Application process
i. File an application for Import Authorization on the DGFT VVebsite ( by navigating to Services —> Import Management System —> Imports Authorisation for Restricted Imports (Refer ANF 2M);
- Details of imports of the said item during the past three years 2021-22, 202223 and 2023-24. Additionally, applicants should attach import data for the said item during current year and source country.
- Also attach, details of production capacity of the said item and actual production during 2023-24 and the current year (till 31.12.2024);
- Country wise application should be filed. i.e. One application should mention only one supplier country.
- Quantity applied should be for the entire period of the restriction.
4. Allocation of Quantities
- A Special EFC (Exim Facilitation Committee) will consider application and decide on quantity allocation;
- Import of quantities allowed in a quarter shall not exceed the quantities mentioned therein. However, in case of any excess import in the first quarter, the same shall be adjusted in second quarter. Similarly any unutilized QR for first quarter shall be added in subsequent quarter.
5. Monitoring of QR: The DGFT shall review utilization of imports after first quarter (first week of April, 2025) and may revise the allocated quantities based on the actual imports affected. Accordingly, the Authorisation holders shall provide statement of their imports and quantities for surrender, if any, by the end of first Quarter (March, 2025). Such details should be submitted through email at: policy2- [email protected] and [email protected]
6. In the event of any mis-declaration, the applicant shall be disqualified from consideration for the present import allocation.
7. The DGFT reserves the right to make any changes in the modalities/allocation process at any point of time, as deemed fit.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
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