Import of Menthol covered under ITC(HS) codes

Import of Menthol covered under ITC(HS) codes: 29061100, 30039021, 33012590 and 33012400 under Advance Authorisation/DFIA – Public Notice No. 48 /2023
S.O. (E): In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2023, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments to Handbook of Procedures (HBP) and Standard Input-Output Norms (SION) with immediate effect.
The input Menthol covered under ITC(HS) codes 29061100, 30039021, 33012590 and 33012400 stands suspended from Standard Input Output Norms and/or Adhoc Norms, wherever it appears in any SION and/or adhoc norms, pending review of such SION and/or Adhoc Norms.
Till such review is undertaken, no Advance Authorisation and/or DFIA shall be issued for Menthol covered under ITC(HS) codes 29061100, 30039021, 33012590 and 33012400.
Effect of this Public Notice: Menthol covered under ITC(HS) codes 29061 1 00, 30039021, 33012590 and 33012400 stands suspended from SION/Adhoc norms with immediate effect.
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