Import of Muskmelon Seeds under ITC(HS) 12077090

Import of Muskmelon Seeds under ITC(HS) 12077090 of ITC(HS) 2022 for the period up to 31.08.2024 -PUBLIC NOTICE No. 42/2023
F. No. 01/53/8/W-2/AM24/IC.—In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade hereby notifies the procedure for import of Muskmelon Seeds under ITC(HS) 12077090 for the period of up to 31.08.2024 as follows –
- Reference the recommendation from the ministry concerned, the imports of Muskmelon Seeds shall not exceed 1,200 Metric Tonnes(MTs), Imports shall be permitted up to 31.08.2024 and shall be allowed to importers on Actual User basis only. Accordingly, DGFT invites fresh applications for Authorisation for Restricted import for Muskmelon Seeds with effect from the date of this Public Notice and not later than 22.02.2024 as follows –
i. Only one application for import ofMuskmelon seeds shall be considered against one IEC.
ii. The applications shall be considered on Actual User basis to Processors only.
iii. A valid FSSAI Manufacturer Licence issued on or before the date of this Public Notice indicating the processing capacityis required to be provided along with the application.The given FSSAI Licence should clearly indicate the applicant is a manufacturer under FSSAI Category 4(Fruits & vegetables, seaweeds, and nuts and seeds). FSSAI licences issued for trading, retailing, wholesale, re-packaging, labelling purposes shall not be considered.
iv. The applicant must submit a valid Chartered Accountant (CA) Certificate certifying the import of Muskmelon Seeds (in MTs) and the volume of processed Muskmelon seeds (in MTs), processed in their own manufacturing unit(s), for the fiscal years 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 (till the date of this Public Notice) The CA certificate should be accompanied by a list of GST invoices along with quantity pertaining to the sale of processed Muskmelon seeds. Draft CA Certificate template enclosed at Annexure-Amay be seen.
v. The applicant shall provide a declaration that only the Muskmelon seeds processed have been stated in the application and the CA Certificate, and any trading volume of Muskmelon Seeds have not be included. Draft template for the Undertaking enclosed at Annexure-B may be seen. - All applications for import of Muskmelon seeds will be assessed individually, within the total quantities stated at Para (1) above. The import quantity for each applicant will be determined on the assistance and advice of the Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC), in accordance with the procedures under Para 2.48 of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) 2023. The EFC, during the examination of the applications, will take into account specific factors, including but not limited to, valid manufacturer FSSAI, the importation and processed volume of Muskmelon seeds during the fiscal years 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 (till the date of this Public Notice).In determining past imports, any earlier allocations that may be pending due to litigation(s)if any, will also be taken in account.
- The EFC shall prescribe a minimum and/or maximum limit for the allocated quantity(s), to maintain allocation of economically viable quantities. Remaining quantities(if any) after the initial pro-rata allocation, shall be redistributed to the remaining applicants(if any). DGFT shall retain the right to modify the allocation process as it deems appropriate, at any juncture.
- All applications are required to be submitted online on the DGFT Website under Services -> Import Management System -> Import Authorisation for Restricted Imports –> Apply for New Authorisation, under Import Category as ‘Muskmelon/Muskmelon Seeds’. Applications submitted under any other Category are liable to be rejected.
- All potential allottees are obligated to ensure that the import consignments associated with the said Import Authorisations are delivered to the Indian ports on or before 31.08.2024.
- In the event of any misdeclaration by the applicant, the applicant shall be disqualified from consideration for the present import allocation and shall be debarred from participation in any subsequent allocations of a similar nature for a period of two (2) years.
Effect of this Public Notice:
Applications are invited for Authorisation for Restricted Imports for Muskmelon seeds under ITC(HS) 12077090, applicable for import of Muskmelon Seeds until 31.08.2024. The deadline for submitting online applications is 22.02.2024.
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