Import of wireless equipment on the basis of self-declaration

Import of wireless equipment by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) on the basis of self-declaration-reg
Reference is invited to the Department of Revenue Notification No. 71 dated 25.09.1953, as amended, relating to restriction on import of wireless equipment.
- The above said Notification, inter-alia, allows import of transmitting apparatus and of receiving apparatus incorporated in a single unit with transmitting apparatus, only by the persons who have been licensed to import such apparatus, by the Ministry of Telecommunications.
- As a part of the Ease of Doing Business initiative, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) vide OM F.No. R-11017/02/2021-PP, dated 21.10.2021 (copy enclosed), has eased the manner of licence processing for import of wireless equipment by Telecom Service Providers. As per the modified procedure, importers shall apply to DoT thirty days prior to the arrival of shipment. On such application, the licence can be automatically generated on self-declaration basis by the importer through a portal developed by DoT named Saralsanchar. The full procedure
prescribed by DoT is as follows:
(a) Applicant shall submit all the relevant details on Saralsanchar Portal atleast 30 days in advance from the date of destination port entry. Applicant can immediately download a system generated certificate after online payment of fees of Rs. 500 and self-declaration.
(b) For applications made within 30 days of the date of destination port entry, online fees of Rs. 5000 shall be payable. In such cases the completed application shall be authenticated by the Department. The applicant can download system generated certificate after 48 hours of application.
(c) This certificate shall be accepted by the Customs authorities. In case of violation of any conditions mentioned in the self-declaration, the certificate generated will be cancelled and may entail appropriate action under applicable law. - The said facility has been made available with effect from 15.11.2021. While integration with ICEGATE for transmission of WPC licences! approvals is underway, the Customs Officers can verify the authenticity of the certificate by scanning the QR code in the certificate to get an appropriate link to verify details of such certificate on Saralsanchar Portal. A sample copy of Import certificate generated from the system is attached for ready reference
- It is requested that the officers under your jurisdiction may be suitably sensitized on the above modified procedure. Difficulty, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board.
Instruction No. 23/2021-Customs