Important Announcement for May-June 2023 CA Examinations

Important Announcement for May-June 2023 CA Examinations
No. 13-CA (EXAM)/MAY – JUNE/2023: In pursuance of Regulation 22 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is pleased to announce that the next Chartered Accountants Foundation, Intermediate and Final Examinations will be held on the dates and places which are given below provided that sufficient number of candidates offer themselves to appear from each of the below mentioned places.
Similarly, Examination in Post Qualification Course under Regulation 204, viz.: International Taxation – Assessment Test (INTT – AT) (which is open to the members of the Institute) will be held on the dates and places (centres in India only) which are given below provided that sufficient number of candidates offer themselves to appear from each of the below mentioned places.
[As per syllabus contained in the scheme notified by the Council under Regulation 25 F (3) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.]
24th , 26th , 28th & 30th June 2023
[As per syllabus contained in the scheme notified by the Council under Regulation 28 G (4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.]
Group-I: 3rd, 6th , 8th & 10th May 2023
Group-II: 12th, 14th, 16th & 18th May 2023
[As per syllabus contained in the scheme notified by the Council under Regulation 31 (iv) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.]
Group -I: 2nd, 4th , 7th & 9th May 2023
Group -II: 11th, 13th, 15th & 17th May 2023
11th & 13th May 2023
No examination is scheduled on 5th May 2023 (Friday) on account of Budha Purnima, being a compulsory
(gazetted) Central Government holiday as per F. No. 12/5/2022-JCA-2 dated 16.06.2022 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Government of India.
It may be emphasized that there would be no change in the examination schedule in the event of any day of the examination schedule being declared a Public Holiday by the Central Government or any State Government / Local Bodies.
Paper(s) 3 & 4 of Foundation Examination are of 2 hours duration. Similarly, Elective Paper – 6 of Final Examination and all papers of International Taxation – Assessment Test are of 4 hours duration.
However, all other examinations are of 3 hours duration, and the examination wise timing(s) are given

*In Paper 3 and 4 of Foundation Examination and all papers of Post Qualification Course Examination there will not be any advance reading time, whereas in all other papers / exams mentioned above, an advance reading time of 15 minutes will be given from 1.45 PM (IST) to 2 PM (IST).
Further, in case of composite papers having both MCQs based & Descriptive Question Papers, seal of MCQs based Question Paper shall be opened at 2 PM (IST), in other words there will be no prior reading time for MCQs based Question Papers
Online filling up of examination forms:
As a part of automation and platform consolidation, ICAI is pleased to announce that all candidates in respect of Foundation, Intermediate & Final Examinations will be required to apply online at (Self Service Portal – SSP) for May / June 2023 Exam and also pay the requisite examination fee online. These forms are based on your eligibility of your course based on announcements and regulations. These forms will be available on SSP, and you are requested to login with your credentials (Username and password). These Exam forms will be available in SSP effective designated dates as would be announced on Kindly Note: If you have never registered as a user in SSP, Kindly open the following URL: Please use forgot password option in case you have forgotten or lost your password. Students are also requested to Create User Name, Register Course, Convert Course, Revalidate, Update Photo, Signature and Address on SSP only. Members desirous to apply for Post Qualification Course Examinations i.e., International Taxation – Assessment Test (INTT – AT) (which is open to the members of the Institute) are required to apply online at and also pay the applicable examination fee online only. Examination fee can be remitted on-line by using VISA or MASTER or MAESTRO Credit / Debit Card / Rupay Card / Net Banking / Bhim UPI.
Opening and Closing of online window for submission of examination application forms.
The following dates(s) may be noted:

Furthermore, for students seeking change of examination city / medium for the Chartered Accountants
Foundation Examination – May / June 2023, the correction window for the examination forms already filled shall be available during 4th March 2023 [Saturday] to 10th March 2023 [Friday]
Examination Fee
The examination fee(s) for various courses are as under: —

The late fee for submission of examination application form after the scheduled last date would be `
600/- (for Indian / Kathmandu / Bhutan Centres) and US $ 10 (for Abroad Centres) as decided by the
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