Important update for all the stakeholders on SRN

Important update for all the stakeholders on SRN
All the stakeholders are hereby informed that the Registrar of Companies and the Regional Directors of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs at all locations have been directed by the Ministry to enter all cases of complaints against the Companies and the LLPs, Inspections, Inquiries, Investigations and Prosecutions in the MCA Electronic registry i.e., MCA21 before issuing any letter, notice, order etc. Thereafter, a Service Request Number (SRN) is generated. They have also been directed to mention such SRN mandatorily in all such communications to Companies, LLPs, their officers, auditors, etc., on all communications. Therefore, all stakeholders are advised to treat any such communication received without SRN as unauthorised which need not be responded further. Any instance of such communication received without mentioning SRN may be brought to the notice of the Office of the Director General of Corporate Officer (DGCoA) at email [email protected] along with the copy of communication.
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