Inclusion of TRQs under India-Australia Trade Agreement

Amendments under Para 2.107 and Appendix-2A of Handbook of Procedure 2015-20 for inclusion of TRQs under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA)- Public Notice No. 46/2015-2020
F. No. 01/93/180/05/AM-22/PC-2[B]/E-34097.—In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade hereby amends Para 2.107 and Appendix-2A of the Handbook of Procedure 2015-2020 to incorporate the items mentioned and related provisions for Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA) as follows –
- Para 2.107 of the HBP is amended to include the following annual Import TRQs under Ind-Aus ECTA—
- Australia shall allocate TRQs to exporters or producers by issuing TRQ certificates up to relevant
quantities for each TRQ. - The competent authority for TRQ certificates in Australia shall share each TRQ certificate over email
with DGFT at [email protected] and [email protected] - The Indian Importer shall file an application for TRQ Certificate to DGFT on the DGFT Website
( → Services → Import Management System → Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) → ‘Apply for TRQ’. The given applicant shall mandatorily upload or provide reference to the Export TRQ issued to the Australian Exporter by the competent authority in Australia. - The TRQ issued by DGFT shall contain the name and address of the importer, Importer -Exporter Code (IEC), Customs notification number, tariff item as applicable, quantity and validity period of the TRQ.
- The TRQ authorisation shall be issued electronically by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade and transmitted to Indian Customs EDI System (ICES).
- Imports against the TRQ shall be allowed only upon debiting electronically in the ICES system.
- The year in respect of these TRQ imports will be the period from 1st January to 31st December, i.e.,
calendar year in India. - There shall be no end date for applying for the TRQ Certificate in the given year. DGFT shall monitor the cumulative quantities for TRQ Certificates issued. No TRQ Certificates shall be issued once the stated TRQ quantity limit is reached.
- TRQ Certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of 12 months or the end of the year, whichever is earlier. The imports against a TRQ authorisation may be cleared from Indian Customs only within the stated validity of the TRQ authorisation.
- Import would be subject to Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) Notification No. 66/2022-
Customs dated 26th December 2022 relating to Ind-Aus ECTA (as amended from time to time). Further, DGFT reserves the right to make any changes in the modalities/allocation process at any point of time, as deemed fit. - Procedure for application for imports under TRQ under Ind-Aus ECTA as enumerated above, shall be inserted under Annexure V of Appendix 2A of Handbook of Procedures 2015-20.
Effect of this Public Notice: Procedure for allocation of Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQ) in line with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) Notification no. 66/2022-Customs dated 26th December 2022 under Ind-Aus ECTA is notified.
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