Incorporation of Policy condition for export of Chitin

Incorporation of Policy condition for export of Chitin, Chitosan, Chitosan Salts, Chitosan Salts (Chitosan Hydrochloride, Chitosan Acetate, Chitosan Lactate) and Chitosan Derivatives (Chitosan Succinamide) – Notification No.73/2023
S.O (E): In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, the Central Government hereby incorporates policy conditions against ITC HS code 39139090 of Schedule -2 (Export Policy) of ITC (HS) 2023, as under: –
ITC (HS) Code | Unit | Description | Export Policy | Policy Condition |
39139090 | Kg | Other | Free | Export of Chitin, Chitosan, Chitosan Salts. Chitosan Salts (Chitosan Hydrochloride, Chitosan Acetate. Chitosan Lactate) and Chitosan Derivatives (Chitosan Succinamide) is ‘Free’ however export to European Union is allowed subject to the following conditions: – i. A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval Number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date. port of loading (name of the port) and destination. ii. After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a ‘Health Certificate’ consignment- wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. this Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandary, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India |
Effect of This Notification:Policy conditions for export of Chitin, Chitosan, Chitosan Salts, Chitosan Salts (Chitosan Hydrochloride, Chitosan Acetate, Chitosan Lactate) and Chitosan Derivatives (Chitosan Succinamide) to European Union (EU) countries under ITC-HS Code 39139090 is incorporated.
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