Individual Housing loans – Revised limits under four-tiered

Individual Housing loans – Revised limits under four-tiered regulatory framework
Please refer to circular DOR.REG.No.84/07.01.000/2022-23 dated December 1, 2022, in terms of which UCBs have been categorised into four tiers for regulatory purposes.
2. In terms of the circular DOR.CRE.REC.42/09.22.010/2022-23 dated June 8, 2022, ceilings on housing loans to individuals are prescribed as ₹60 lakh for Tier-I UCBs and ₹140 lakh for Tier-II UCBs. Consequent upon classification of UCBs into four tiers under the revised regulatory framework, it has been decided to specify the limits on housing loans sanctioned by UCBs to an individual borrower as ₹60 lakh for Tier-1 UCBs and ₹140 lakh for UCBs categorised in Tier-2 to 4. Other terms and conditions of the circular ibid, remain unchanged.
3. The limits prescribed under this circular are effective from the date of this circular. However, existing housing loans sanctioned prior to the date of this circular, which may be in breach of the ceiling, will be allowed to run off till maturity.
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