Mandating additional disclosures by Foreign Portfolio Investors

Mandating additional disclosures by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) that fulfil certain objective criteria
- Certain FPIs have been observed to hold concentrated portion of their equity portfolio in a single investee company/ corporate group. Such concentrated investments raise the concern and possibility that promoters of such investee companies/ corporate groups, or other investors acting in concert, could be using the FPI route for circumventing regulatory requirements such as that of disclosures under Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers Regulations, 2011 (SAST Regulations) or maintaining Minimum Public Shareholding (MPS) in the listed company.
- Recognizing the inherent risks of opportunistic takeover/ acquisition of Indian companies, the Government of India (GoI) issued Press Note 3 (PN3) dated April 17, 2020, requiring an entity of a country that shares land border with India, or where the Beneficial Owner (‘BO’) of an investment into India is situated in or is a citizen of any such country, to invest only under the Government route. While PN3 is not applicable to FPI investments, there are concerns that entities with large Indian equity portfolios could potentially disrupt the orderly functioning of Indian securities markets by misusing the FPI route.
- Further, as regards identification of BOs of FPIs, while the thresholds for this purpose are specified in Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of records) Rules, 2005 (‘PMLR’), it is often observed that no natural person is identified as the BO of several FPIs based on economic interestor ownership interest, since each investor entity in the FPI may be below the threshold prescribed in the PMLR. However, there is a possibility that the same natural person may hold a significant aggregate economic interest in the FPI via various investment entities, each of which are individually below the threshold for identification as a BOas prescribed in PMLR.
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