Minimum Export Price condition on Export of Onions is removed

Minimum Export Price condition on Export of Onions is removed

Minimum Export Price condition on Export of Onions is removed – Amendment in Export policy Conditions of Onions – NOTIFICATION No. 28 /2024-25

S.O. 3947(E).—In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended time to time, read with Para 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023, the Central Government hereby, in amendment of the earlier Notification No. 10/2024-25 dt. 4th May 2024, makes the following changes in Export Policy conditions of Onions in Chapter 07 of Schedule-II (Export Policy) of ITC(HS) as under:-

DescriptionExport PolicyExisting Policy ConditionRevised Policy Condition
07031019Onions: —-
FreeExport is subject to a Minimum
Export Price (MEP) of USD 550 per
Metric Ton (MT)
  1. The Notification will come into immediate effect.

    Effect of this Notification: The Minimum Export Price (MEP) condition on Export of Onions is removed with immediate effect and until further orders.

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