Notification for assessment test on forex and treasury management

Notification for Online Assessment Test (AT) for Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) on 17th & 18th December 2022. – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

• Last Date for Face Authentication at ICAI Digital Learning Hub 2 Days before date of Exam
• Registration for exam without fee for all eligible participants of 8th batch of FXTM.
• Old participants of earlier batch cam pay the Exam fee Rs 1180/- link
Note: –No Further extension shall be provided for completing the process of Face Authentication, please complete the face registration/authentication process within the time limit.
Prerequisites for the FXTM Assessment Test:
- Active ICAI membership number
- Completion of the Eligibility Criteria (90%attendance in the virtual Professional Training)
- Desktop/ Laptop with good internet connectivity
- Camera attached with Desktop/ Laptop
- Active login at Digital Learning Hub of ICAI (ICAI Digital Learning Hub) (Please note SSP Login credentials are used)
- Completion of Face Registration Activity at ICAI Digital Learning Hub by 1:30 PM of 2 Days before date of Exam
- Also ensure that your recent photo is uploaded on your SSP dashboard.
- Launch of the Assessment enables Face Authentication to confirm liveliness (Blink of eyes)
Important Instruction:
- The online Assessment Test (AT) for FXTM Certificate Course is scheduled to be held on Saturday & Sunday on the above dates from 1 0 :00 A .M. to 1 :00 PM I S T . through Digital Learning Hub of ICAI (ICAI Digital Learning Hub)
- Members are required to ensure that they are able to login in the Digital Learning Hub of ICAI(ICAI Digital Learning Hub)using their SSP Portal credentials. Please check this latest by 4 Days before date of Exam and in case of any issue with the login, please write to us at [email protected] and [email protected], we would not be able to help any member if they are not able to login at the day of the Assessment Test.
- Candidates desirous of taking this FXTM AT have to do the online face authentication through Digital Learning Hub. Further FAQs
- Application requests received after the aforementioned last date would not be entertained under any circumstances and member have to appear in the next AT.
- Exam Pattern – On above date – Paper I- Chapter 1 to 6
On above date– Paper II- Chapter 7 to 12
For further assistance, contact
Committee on Financial Markets and Investors’ Protection, ICAI
Mobile no. 8130527979; Phone: 0120-3045905, E-mail id: [email protected]
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