Rescheduling of 10th Batch of Certificate Course on BRSR

Rescheduling of 10th Batch of Online Certificate Course on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) – SRSB, ICAI.
Due to certain unavoidable circumstances, 10th batch of online Certificate Course on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR), which was scheduled to be commenced from May 4, 2022, has been rescheduled to the following dates:
Date: May 13 (Friday), May 14 (Saturday), May 15 (Sunday), May 19 (Thursday) and May 20 (Friday), 2022
Time: Weekdays (May 13, 19, 20) – 4:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Weekend (May 14, 15) – 10:00 am to 2:15 pm
CPE Hours: 20 Structured
(15 CPE Hours on completion of course with 80% attendance
5 CPE Hours shall be granted only after qualifying the Examination)
Interested members can register themselves for the 10th Batch by making online payment of Rs. 3540/- [Rs. 3,000/- (Course fee) + Rs. 540/- (18% GST)] via the following link:
Registration will be on ‘first-come, first-serve basis’.
For detailed information about the Course, kindly visit the following link:
For further clarification, you may contact the Board Secretariat at:
Telephone No. 011-30110474 or
Email at: [email protected]
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