SOP for the handling of Stock Exchange Outage

SOP for the handling of Stock Exchange Outage

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling of Stock Exchange Outage and extension of trading hours thereof

  1. Trading hours of stock exchanges are pre-defined and known to all market participants including the other Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) to enable them to carry out activities related to continuous trading in securities.
  2. If due to any technical reason or otherwise, continuous trading on stock exchanges is disrupted, it is of paramount importance that not only all market participants including other MIIs, are promptly informed about the outage but also the trading hours are extended, if required, so as to provide opportunity for smooth closure of intraday positions.
  3. With a view to ensure that any outage at stock exchange(s) is handled in a harmonized and consistent manner, the matter was discussed with the MIIs and Standard Operating Procedure with regard to handling of such stock exchange outage in Cash Market and Equity Derivatives segment is detailed below.

    Definition of Stock Exchange Outage
  4. Stock Exchange Outage shall mean stoppage of continuous trading, either suo moto by exchange or by virtue of reasons beyond control of stock exchange. Further, stoppage of continuous trading shall not include trading halt on account of index based market-wide circuit breaker.

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