Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies

Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Last Date: 28th February 2025
Candidates are advised to carefully read, understand and follow the instructions while filling in the Form and retain a copy of the same for future reference. Candidates are also requested to go through the Announcement relating to Special Examinations for candidates under Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRAs) / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Foreign Accounting bodies
(1) | Dates of Examination | 23rd to 27th June 2025 |
(2) | Timings of Examination | 2.00 P.M. – 5.00 P.M. (IST) with advance reading time (for question paper) of 15 Minutes |
(3) | Filling up of Admit Card | Candidates are required to fill in the relevant columns in the Admit Card and submit the same to the Examinations Department alongwith the examination application form. |
(4) | Examination Centre | Noida (Uttar Pradesh) (INDIA) |
(5) | Examination Fees | The Examination Fees once paid by a Candidate shall not be refunded / adjusted under any circumstances. Candidate who are applying for the second time and onward are required to remit the Examination Fees again. |
(6) | Last date for receipt of application at the Institute’s Headquarters at New Delhi | 28th February 2025 (Application received after 28th February 2025 will not be entertained under any circumstances. Therefore, candidates sending their application by post must send the same at least 3-4 days in advance of the last date and avoid sending it on the last date for receipt of application forms). |
(7) | How should the application form reach the Institute? | The application form be sent by Speed Post / Registered Post only in the special envelope attached to the Examination Form to the Joint Secretary (Exams.), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, “ICAI Bhawan”, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002. Candidates are advised to retain the receipt issued by Post Office till the receipt of Admit Card. Candidates are advised not to send the application through private courier. Candidates should not submit/send the application form to regional/branch offices of the Institute. Incomplete examination application form will not be entertained. |
(8) | Admission to the Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) | No candidate shall be admitted to the Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into MRA / MOU unless he/she has been registered with the ICAI and has been issued the registration letter. |
(9) | Subjects to be cleared by Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) | (a) CPA Australia Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Corporate & Allied Laws (ii) Taxation Advanced (iii) Auditing and Professional Ethics* (iv) Financial Reporting** * Not applicable if they had studied Assurance Services & Auditing (Pre 2010) or Advance Auditing and Assurance (Post 2010) in CPA Program. ** Not applicable if they had studied Financial Reporting & Disclosure (Pre 2010) or Financial Reporting (post 2010) in CPA Program. (b) CPA – Ireland Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Corporate and Allied Laws (ii) Direct and Indirect Taxes (iii) Strategic Financial Management* (iv) Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics** * Not applicable if they had studied Strategic Corporate Finance as an elective in CPA examinations. ** Not applicable if they had studied Audit Practice & Assurance Services in CPA examinations. (c) CPA – Canadian Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Corporate and Allied Laws (ii) Taxation (d) SAICA Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Company Law Taxation (ii) Information Systems Control and Audit (e) ICAEW Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Auditing and Assurance (ii) Law, Ethics and Communication (iii) Information Technology and Strategic Management (iv) Direct Tax Laws and (v) Indirect Tax Laws (f) ICAN Members are the required to pass following subjects: (i) Corporate Laws and Other Economic Laws (ii) Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation (iii) Advanced Indirect Tax Laws (g) MICPA Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Corporate and Allied Laws Taxation (h) CAANZ Members are required to pass the following subjects: (i) Indian Law (ii) Taxation (iii) Ethics |
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