Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesAmendment in CGST rate on the specified handicraft items CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesAmendment in the CGST exempt goods- Notification no. 19/2021 CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesAmendment in the CGST rate schedule- Notification No. 18/2021 CA Cult 29 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesApplicability of the provisions of the Finance Act, 2021 CA Cult 21 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTImportant Dates-GSTStatutory UpdatesCommencement Notification dated 21st December 2021 CA Cult 21 December 2021
BlogsImportant Dates-GSTImportant points of the Restaurant Service under section 9(5) CA Gaganmeet Singh 21 December 2021
Circulars and Notifications-GSTStatutory UpdatesGST on service supplied by restaurants through e-commerce CA Cult 17 December 2021