Updates & NewsManufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse (no. 2) Amendment Regulations, 2020 CA Cult 18 August 2020
Updates & NewsManufacture and Other Operations in Special Warehouse Regulations, 2020 CA Cult 18 August 2020
Updates & NewsProcedure to be followed in cases of manufacturing or other operations undertaken in special warehouses under section 65 of the Customs Act-reg. CA Cult 18 August 2020
Updates & NewsSeeks to amend notification No. 41/2015-Customs(ADD) to extend the levy of anti-dumping duty on imports of Diketopyrrolo Pyrrole Pigment Red 254 (DPP Red 254) originating in or exported from China PR for a period of three months. CA Cult 14 August 2020
Updates & Newsseeks to amend notification No. 39/2015-Customs (ADD) dated 12th August, 2015 to extend the levy of ADD on flax fabrics imported from China and Hong Kong for a period of 3 months. CA Cult 11 August 2020
Updates & NewsTariff Notification No. 68/2020-Customs (N.T.) in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver CA Cult 6 August 2020
Updates & NewsTranshipment of Cargo to Nepal under Electronic Cargo Tracking System (Amendment) Regulations, 2020. CA Cult 31 July 2020