Updates & NewsSeeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of ‘ Steel and Fibre Glass Measuring tapes and their parts and components ‘,originating in, or exported from, People’s Republic of China for a period of five years, in pursuance of final findings of sunset review investigations issued by DGTR CA Cult 12 July 2020
Updates & NewsSeeks to extend anti-dumping duty on import of Phenol originating in or exported from South Africa, imposed vide Notification No. 32/2015-Customs(ADD) dated 10.07.2015, up to and inclusive of 9th January, 2021. CA Cult 12 July 2020
Updates & NewsSeeks to amend notification No. 09/2012-Customs dated 09.03.2012, providing for extension of last date of re-import by three months, for those cases where the last date of such re-import falls between 01.2.2020 and 31.7.2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. CA Cult 12 July 2020