Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesNew Rule 12F inserted under the income tax rules CA Cult 14 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesNotification under subsection (1F) of section 197A CA Cult 11 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesNotification under clause (viiaf) of section 47 CA Cult 11 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesAn amendment under Rule 11UAC of Income-tax Rules 1962 CA Cult 11 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesNotification under explanation to subsection (1H) of section 206C CA Cult 11 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesNotification under Explanation to subsection (1) of section 194Q CA Cult 11 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesCBDT issues clarification regarding carry forward of losses CA Cult 10 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesDistrict Mineral Foundation Trust notified under section 10 CA Cult 10 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesCBDT extends due dates for ITR and various reports CA Cult 9 September 2021