Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesCorrigendum to notification GSR 616(E) dated 06.09.2021 CA Cult 8 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesFile an application for settlement by 30th September 2021 CA Cult 8 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesNew Rule 14C manner of authentication of an electronic record CA Cult 6 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesReal Estate Regulatory Authority notified under section 10(46) CA Cult 4 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsStatutory UpdatesIntroducing Form No. 12BBA for Specified Senior Citizen CA Cult 3 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesSpecified banks for the purposes of section 194P CA Cult 3 September 2021
Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesCommencement Notification dated 01st September 2021 CA Cult 1 September 2021