Circulars and NotificationsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesNew Rule 9D inserted under the Income-tax Rules CA Cult 31 August 2021
BlogsFormsImportant DatesDue dates for filing of various forms under the Income-tax CA Aastha Singhal 29 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesExtension of electronic filing of certain Forms under income-tax CA Cult 29 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsImportant DatesStatutory UpdatesCBDT extends date under section 3 of the Vivad se Vishwas Act CA Cult 29 August 2021
Important DatesStatutory UpdatesCBDT invites comments on the draft notification CA Cult 28 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesCBDT inserted Rule 12AA and 51B under Income-tax Rules CA Cult 18 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsStatutory UpdatesInterim Boards for Settlement under Income-tax CA Cult 11 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsStatutory UpdatesNew Rule 10RB “Relief in tax payable under section 115JB” CA Cult 11 August 2021
Circulars and NotificationsFormsStatutory UpdatesCBDT inserted New Rules and Forms in Income-tax CA Cult 10 August 2021