Tea (Marketing) Control (Second Amendment) Order, 2021

Tea (Marketing) Control (Second Amendment) Order, 2021
S.O. 5294(E).—In exercise of the power conferred by sub-sections (3) and (5) of section 30 of the Tea Act, 1953 (29 of 1953), the Central Government hereby makes the following Order further to amend the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003, namely: –
- Short title and commencement. –
(1) This order may be called the Tea (Marketing) Control (Second Amendment) Order, 2021.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. - In the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003, in paragraph 30A, in sub-paragraph (5), for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely: –
“(a) to monitor the average green leaf price payable to the small tea growers for each month based on the average auction price of tea manufactured by the Bought leaf factories of such district for the same month by applying the price sharing formula specified under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 30;”.
Note : The principal Order was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Subsection (ii) vide notification number S.O. 1(E), dated the 1st January, 2003 and subsequently amended vide following notifications, namely: –
- S.O.247 (E), dated the 28th February, 2003;
- S.O.430 (E), dated the 10th April, 2003;
- S.O.270 (E), dated the 27th February, 2004;
- S.O.1170 (E), dated the 20th October, 2004;
- S.O.1017 (E), dated the 15th July, 2005;
- S.O.1012 (E), dated the 15th April, 2015;
- S.O.2688 (E), dated the 1st October, 2015;
- S.O.3319 (E), dated the 25th October, 2016;
- S.O.21 (E), dated the 3rd January, 2017;
- S.O. 2288(E), dated the 4th June, 2018;
- S.O. 2560(E), dated the 31st July, 2020; and
- S.O. 3086(E), dated the 30th July, 2021.
Also Read: Import of teas from the neighbouring country (Nepal) as “Darjeeling Tea”