Expression of Interest for Empanelment as Resource Person

Invitation for Expression of Interest for Empanelment as Resource Person/ Subject Matter Expert in Green Finance
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) being the world’s second largest accounting body and regulator of accountancy profession in India has always partnered in Nation Building and provided service to Indian economy in public interest. Sustainability Reporting Standards Board (SRSB) of ICAI is working relentlessly to augment the culture of accurate and reliable non-financial reporting, develop reporting metrics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), benchmarking sustainability disclosures, strengthening assurance frameworks for non-financial information, and capacity building of the profession.
With a view to bolster the transition towards net-zero emissions, government and regulators are strategically making continued efforts in financing green infrastructure in the country. Considering the crucial importance of Green Finance for pushing economically sustainable projects, Sustainability Reporting Standards Board of ICAI is working in the area of “Green Finance”.
We are pleased to invite expression of interest for empanelment as Resource Person/Subject Matter Expert for working in the following areas of Green Finance –
Indian and Global Perspective
Monitoring Mechanism
Framework for Assurance
Persons interested are requested to fill in the form and upload their resume at latest by May 31, 2022.
The Board will evaluate the responses and the shortlisted ones will be contacted for further discussion. It may be noted that the decision of the Board will be final in this regard.
For any further information, email us at [email protected] .
We look forward to your active participation in this initiative.
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