Expression of Interest for empanelment of subject experts

Expression of Interest for empanelment of subject experts at the Foundation, Intermediate and Final levels of the CA course and Self-paced Online Modules
The Board of Studies (Academic) serves as the Institute’s interface with its students and shapes their academic life cycle through its high-quality educational inputs, namely, –
- 1. Study Material
- 2. Live Learning Classes
- 3. Revision Test Papers
- 4. Mock Test Papers
- 5. Suggested Answers to questions set at the Examination
- 6. MCQs and Case Scenarios with MCQs based thereon
- 7. Multi-disciplinary Case Studies
- 8. Subject-specific Capsules
- 9. Saransh – The Last Mile Referencer
ICAI has launched the New Scheme of Education and Training on 1st July, 2023 with re-defined contemporary course curriculum. The concept of Self-paced Online Modules has been introduced for which the learning and assessment would be online. In order to augment to its existing pool of subject experts, Board of Studies (A) invites expression of interest from chartered accountants and other professionals with relevant work/teaching experience having strong hold on their respective subjects and excellent communication skills for:
1. delivering Live Learning Classes;
2. delivering E-lectures for Self-paced Online Modules;
3. development and review of content of Study Material,
4. development and review of subject-specific MCQs and Case Scenarios with MCQs based thereon; and
5. development and review of Multi-disciplinary Case Studies.
Click here for details of Live Learning Classes and E-lectures for Self-paced Online Modules.
Click here for details of subjects at different levels.
Click here for Eligibility Criteria Selection Procedure and Undertaking to be submitted.
Interested candidates may please fill and submit the Application Form for Expression of Interest available at the following link
Last date for submission of Application Form is 18th December, 2023.
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