ICAI Allows Provisional Registration in CA Foundation

ICAI Allows Provisional Registration in CA Foundation Course after passing Class X Examination |
With an aim to provide high quality education and keeping the future global business competencies in mind, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) from time-to-time reviews its system of education and training to make it more contemporary & relevant to the global market. With the prime objective to develop the requisite Skill Sets for budding Chartered Accountants and enrichment of their professional Skills, ICAI is undertaking various initiatives from time to time. With the same thought process and considering various requests received from the stakeholders, ICAI had submitted a proposal to the Government of India for amending the relevant regulations of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 w.r.t. “Change in Entry Requirement”. CA. Atul Kumar Gupta, President, ICAI said “The Institute has recently got the approval of Government of India for amending the Regulations 25E, 25F & 28F of Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 which now enables candidate to provisionally register in the Foundation Course of ICAI after passing Class X examinations. However, provisional admission to Foundation course will only be regularized once the candidate clears Class XII exams.” President, ICAI further added “The basic objective behind the proposal was to allow students to provisionally register in Foundation Course after passing the Class X examination. This will help the students to prepare for Foundation course while pursuing Class XI & XII and thus students would have ample time to update their knowledge & acquire requisite techniques to appear & pass CA Foundation with flying colors. ICAI also offer free online classes to students of Foundation which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.” After appearing in Class XII examination in February/March, the students would then be eligible to appear in Foundation Examination to be held in May/June. Advantages with New Entry Requirement:Students can Provisionally Register themselves for CA Foundation Course after passing the Class X examination hence providing them with more time for developing, understanding and preparing for the professional course.Complete four months study period while pursuing Class XI & XIIAppear in Foundation Examination in the month of May/June immediately after appearing in Class XII examination.Complete CA course and become Chartered Accountant, 6 months in advance, due to early admission. A comparison between earlier and revised entry requirement and Eligibility Criteria for appearing in Foundation Examination is as under:- |

For further details, students can visit Institute’s BOS Knowledge Portal for announcements in this regard.
For Registration in Foundation Course, students may visit https://eservices.icai.org/
For more details, refer FAQs at https://www.icai.org/post/faqs-provisional-admission-to-foundation-course