Newsletter from CA Cult – For Latest Updates (March 2025)

Newsletter from CA Cult – For Latest Updates (March 2025)

Check out the “Weekly Newsletter from CA Cult – For Latest Updates (Third Week of March 2025)


  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Guidelines for Compounding of Offences under the Income-Tax Act, 1961 dated 17.10.2024.
  2. Seeking stakeholders input for drafting Income-tax Rules and related forms consequent to the Income Tax Bill, 2025.


  1. Advisory for Biometric-Based Aadhaar Authentication and Document Verification for GST Registration Applicants of Uttar Pradesh.
  2. DGGI cracks down on offshore Online Money Gaming firms to curb tax evasion.


  1. Disclosure of information relating to carry forward of losses.


  1. Extension of the last date for filing Annual RoDTEP Return (ARR) for Financial Year 2023-24 – Public Notice No. 51/2024-25.
  2. Amendment in import policy condition of Urea [Exim Code 31021010] in the ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy) – Notification No. 65 /2024-25.
  3. Review the SIONs pertaining to Automobile tyres – Trade Notice No.34/2024.
  4. Extension of RoDTEP for Advance Authorizations (AAs) holders, Special Economic Zones (SEZs), and Export-Oriented Units (EOUs) upto 05.02.2025 – Notification No: 66 /2024-25.


  1. Annual Closing of Government Accounts – Transactions of Central / State Governments – Special Measures for the Current Financial Year (2024-25).
  2. Asian Clearing Union (ACU) Mechanism – Indo-Maldives trade.
  3. Treatment of Right-of-Use (ROU) Asset for Regulatory Capital Purposes.
  4. Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements – Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021: Clarifications.
  5. Amortisation of additional pension liability – Implementation of Pension Scheme in Regional Rural Banks with effect from November 1, 1993 – Prudential Regulatory Treatment.


  1. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) partners with DigiLocker to reduce unclaimed assets in the Indian securities market and enhances investor protection.
  2. Framework on the Social Stock Exchange (SSE).
  3. Industry Standards on “Minimum information to be provided for review of the audit committee and shareholders for approval of a related party transaction”.


  1. Renewal of 75% Concession in Registration Course Fee for all levels of CA Courses for the Candidates/ Students from Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and for 8 North-Easter States.
  2. For CA Examinations May 2025

Blog of the week

  1. Changes in GST and Income Tax during the Financial Year 2024-25.

Videos of the Week:

  1. 75% Concession in Registration Fee for all levels of CA Courses:
  2. NPS Vatsalya: A New Tax Benefit for Parents and Guardians:
  3. Union Budget 2025: New Tax Slabs Explained:

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